Cleaning implant supported dentures
Implant-supported dentures are designed to be a permanent dental restoration option, but they need proper care to ensure their longevity. Cleaning implant-supported dentures is similar to cleaning the natural teeth, but there are some areas to focus on and special tools and techniques that will help. If you have any removable or detachable components in your implant-supported denture apparatus, follow your dentist’s recommendations for removing these for cleaning or sleeping. Clean your implant-supported dentures, and your entire oral cavity, with a soft-bristled toothbrush, making sure to clean the gums and teeth and paying extra attention to the area around any attachments. Dentists recommend cleaning implant-supported dentures after meals, at least twice a day in the morning and at night; nightly cleaning is particularly important, as it helps keep bacteria from colonizing in the mouth overnight, when the mouth is drier. In addition to brushing the dentures, attachments, and your gums, you can clean around the gums and the denture attachments with a proxabrush, a narrow brush that fits into small spaces between teeth, or you can use floss in areas where it can be threaded effectively. Thoroughly rinse away loosened debris with water.
Home hygiene is imperative for oral health and the success of your implant-supported dentures, and professional care is even more important. Periodic dental visits are an excellent line of defense against gum disease, which is very dangerous for dental implants. When gum disease progresses without treatment, the dental implants can fail, loosening and even falling out from neglect. Thankfully, gum disease can be reversed with a careful professional cleaning. Professional cleanings also help prevent gum disease from developing in the first place, and your dental hygienist will use specialized tools to thoroughly, meticulously clean your dentures and attachments without damaging any small parts or lustrous surfaces. In addition to your examination and cleaning, your dentist will make any necessary adjustments to your dentures and take x-rays to make sure the positioning of your dental implants hasn’t changed and that your bones are still solid and strong. It’s not unusual for removable attachments and clips to wear out periodically and require replacement, and your dentist will take care of this at your regular checkup, too.
If you take the proper care of your implant-supported dentures, you can expect them to last for many years, remaining stable and comfortable in your jaw and supporting a lifetime of enjoyable meals and smiles. Of course, in addition to keeping your implant-supported dentures and oral cavity clean, you’re also responsible for taking care of your dentures. Don’t use them to do anything other than chew and bite food; avoid opening boxes or bottles with them, and don’t habitually gnaw on ice, pens, or other hard objects. Talk to your dentist about any habits you have that might adversely affect your oral health, like smoking or grinding the teeth, and work with them to improve your overall health. Remember, your implant-supported dentures are a worthwhile investment in your future of nutritious meals, exhilarating conversation, and satisfied smiles.