How Much Does Tooth Extraction Cost?
The cost for rockford tooth extraction varies widely depending on whether or not the tooth is impacted. Simple extraction usually costs between $75 and $200 per tooth and may be more depending on the type of anesthesia you need. If your tooth is impacted, you can expect a higher cost, anywhere between $800- $4000. Each case is different and we recommend you work with your dental office to get costs upfront before having the procedure done. Additionally, speak with your dental insurance company to see if any of the costs of extraction are covered, as they oftentimes are. Why the cost? We will outline the steps of a tooth extraction in hopes that it helps you understand the costs and time involved.
Tooth extraction is the ultimate therapeutic solution available to the dentist to preserve the health of his patient's teeth when there are no more alternatives. How is this type of intervention carried out?
The dentist will make the decision to pull out his patient's tooth when he no longer has other treatment options that allow him to preserve the dental structure concerned. Among the main causes that can lead to an extraction are:
- deep decay;
- a cracked or broken tooth;
- a fracture of the tooth root;
- a baby tooth that does not fall naturally at the required age;
- a wisdom tooth that does not have room to grow or that generates pain;
- a loose tooth;
- a periapical infection
Tooth extraction: the process
All tooth extraction is performed under anesthesia, in a previously sterilized operating environment. When it comes to a simple extraction, the dentist usually performs regional anesthesia by injecting, with a fine needle, an anesthetic substance so as to numb the dental nerve. After having sterilized all his instruments and disinfected the patient's mouth, the dentist proceeds to a local anesthesia which makes it possible to numb the nerve of the tooth to be extracted so that the extraction is not painful. After the procedure, it is normal for the mouth to remain numb for a few hours. The injection for the anesthesia can be unpleasant but it allows you not to feel anything afterwards.
The dentist then proceeds with the extraction. The latter takes place in three stages:
- The first is called syndesmotomy: this step consists of cutting with a sharp instrument (syndesmotome) the epithelial and conjunctive attachments of the tooth;
- He then places an elevator between the bone and the tooth to move it;
- Finally, using a forceps, he grasps the tooth and extracts it using vertical pressure.
Immediately after the extraction, the dentist places a chewing gauze pad to limit bleeding. This technique helps to form a blood clot, necessary for good healing. The compress should be kept under light pressure for 30 minutes.
After the extraction, it is important to follow your dentist’s recommendations for healing. Make sure you eat the proper types of foods, refrain from alcohol and smoking, and watch for signs of infection. If you are concerned about anything in your healing process, contact your dentist immediately.