Will Emergency Dentist Extract Tooth?
A dental emergency can encompass a wide array of issues impacting both your teeth and the supporting tissues involving your mouth. There can be many circumstances that might result in an emergency dental situation but just a few will result in the extraction of a tooth. Let us review some of the common causes for a dental emergency and the projected outcomes.
What is Usually Considered a Dental Emergency
There are really only two major categories that emergency dental care can come from. The first is an unfortunate and unscheduled accident and the second is the simple result of neglect and poor oral hygiene.
An Accident- Whether it is your child falling off a bicycle, a middle-aged adult playing in a contact sport, or an elderly parent falling, accidents happen. The list of all the possibilities is endless. A common accident of this type can quickly leave you with a fractured, chipped, or broken tooth. The first factor that makes this an emergency is the intensity level of pain and discomfort. If your dentist tells you to get to the emergency room your pain will be addressed first. Then an x-ray might be necessary to show what is going on below the surface of your gumline. Today all dentists are trained to take all measures to save a tooth. Even if your tooth is completely broken off the preferred solution is to still save the natural tooth with a root canal and then protect it with a crown. An extraction might be a solution, but it is not the first choice. An extraction causes a gap that now must be filled. If the gap is not filled the neighboring teeth will begin to shift into that gap completely changing your bite and speech pattern. You could end up with a bridge or a dental implant.
Poor Oral Hygiene- If you neglect your teeth there will be consequences. The health industry strongly suggests that you brush your teeth twice daily and floss at least once a day. This is not random advice. Not exercising preventative care of your teeth will result in several negatives issues. The most frequent reason for an emergency dental visit is that of a common toothache. This might be an infection, a cavity, or an abscess. Each of these will cause discomfort and pain, but seldom will they require an extraction.
Can You Prevent a Dental Emergency?
The short answer is really no. The longer answer is that you can minimize the risks. When it involves either sports or serious physical activity you can easily obtain a mouthguard. This simple added protection will go a long way with protecting your teeth. Exercising proper oral hygiene can also help you avoid emergency dental visits by not neglecting your oral health. Scheduling an appointment with your dentist twice a year is also wise. These regular, preventative exams will put you in a proactive role. Why risk putting yourself in the position of experiencing intense tooth pain and the corresponding dental costs when it can all be so easily prevented.